5 Things Every Bathroom Should Have

Keeping the bathroom clean can be a challenge, after all, it is the place we come to dirty, to get clean! While washing the day off of ourselves can be refreshing, it takes a toll on your bathroom’s cleanliness. And, unlike other areas of the house, you can’t always see how dirty your bathroom really is. At Clean Bees, we’ve cleaned our fair share of bathrooms that homeowners thought were clean to find them horrified to discover what is Clean Bees standard clean!

A clean bathroom is critical to your health, as bathrooms are the ideal breeding ground for microbes. Additionally, the bathroom is where you begin and end each day, starting your day in a clean bathroom can set your day off on the right note. Whether you enjoy the sparkling clean of a Clean Bees bathroom or you are a DIY home keeper, we want to share a few things that every bathroom should feature to keep it cleaner, safer, and healthier.

1. A Trashcan

Always keep a trashcan handy in the bathroom. It is recommended to have one per bathroom, and more than one if your toilet is separate from the rest of the bathroom. Always have a trash can available near the sink as well as the toilet. This will help collect all the trash that would otherwise end up being flushed or left on the countertops. Trash cans should be lined for easy emptying.

Pro tip: Each time you empty the trash can, spray a little bit of Lysol or natural disinfectant spray into the can before replacing the liner/ bag.

2. Cleaning Wipes

First, if you have a cleaning sponge or a toilet bowl brush in your bathroom, get up and go throw them away! Those things are like Woodstock for bacteria! Instead, use cleaning wipes to wipe down surfaces and toss them in the trash can. We highly recommend leaving the wipes accessible to guests so they can clean before and/ or after using the bathroom to make them more comfortable and allow them to clean up any messes they would otherwise be forced to leave behind. Having cleaning wipes handy allows you to clean up after yourself and your children to avoid spots of urine on the floor or toilet seat, and toothpaste residue on the countertops, among other uses.

Pro tip: Use alcohol, bleach, peroxide, or vinegar-based wipes to disinfect while you’re wiping up.

3. A Squeegee

We know that suggesting you squeegee your shower or tub every time you use it is like your dentist telling you to floss, but even doing it once a week will help get rid of soap scum and skin flakes that settle onto your shower walls. Additionally, if any mold or mildew takes up residence in your bathroom, you’ll have squeegeed it away before it has a chance to impact the structure of your bathroom or your family’s health.

Pro tip: Make wiping down the shower or tub a family affair and make it a game for young kids

4. Drain Covers

Trap hair and other debris to prevent it from entering your plumbing system. This helps keep your bathroom cleaner by allowing water to flow freely down the drain and prevents backup or clogs that harbor a wide variety of bacteria and mold. Drain covers should be easy to clean and done so regularly.

5. Hand Soap

Keeping a full hand soap dispenser in the bathroom encourages bathroom patrons to use the soap, which helps keep commonly touched surfaces clean.

Keep bathroom stocked

Keep your bathroom stocked at all times. This should include a stash of rolls of toilet paper, cleaning wipes, clean hand towels and washcloths, Kleenex, and soap. The bathroom is a dirty place and small things can help keep it cleaner and prevent bathroom users from getting inventive.

The Clean Bees Clean Bathroom Standard

So, what makes a Clean Bees clean bathroom different? We don’t simply wipe down the mirror and sinks, here’s what our clean include:

  • 5-step tub/shower cleaning
  • Toilet
  • Vanity
  • Floors and baseboards
  • Personal decor wipe down
  • Electronics cleaning
  • Doorknobs, light switch plates, handles, and railings sanitizing
  • Glass door and mirror
  • Cabinet and drawer front
  • Empty trash and recycling
  • Light fixtures

If you are ready to have a clean bathroom to begin and end each day in, contact the hive at Clean Bees to schedule your house cleaning services today.

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