What to Look For in a Housekeeper

If you’re looking for home cleaning services, you want a housekeeper who’s trustworthy, diligent, reliable, and of course, an excellent cleaner! At Clean Bees, we are extra careful about the team we put together, and we require an apprenticeship-style training to make sure each one of our Homekeepers is up to not only our standards, but yours. Keep reading to learn what qualities to look for in a housekeeper, and ultimately what you can expect from Clean Bees Homekeepers.

Trustworthy, Dependable,

& Attentive

When searching for a housekeeper, some of the most important things to look for are desirable traits that you want the individual or team to possess. It’s naturally concerning to allow strangers into your home. It’s essential that you feel you can trust a housekeeper to not only protect your property, but to properly clean it. Choosing a housekeeper that’s not attentive or diligent defeats the purpose and is a waste of your hard-earned money. Our Homekeepers from Clean Bees are carefully selected based on these qualities and more to ensure you have only the best in your home.



Would you like to be home while a housekeeper is there, or is there a specific window that works best for your home cleaning services? Whether you have very specific requests or not, you want a housekeeper that can accommodate your every need. At Clean Bees Homekeepers, we’ll set up a personalized cleaning plan that accounts for every one of your requests to ensure you get exactly what you pay for (and then some with our talented bees).

Insured, Licensed,

& Bonded Company

First off, it’s best to choose a housecleaning company rather than freelance cleaners. This just further protects your assets and ensures you’re getting a legitimate housekeeper. Once you find a company or two that looks promising, you should check their credentials to see if they’re insured, licensed, and/or bonded. Insurance protects you from being financially responsible if an accident or theft occurs on the job. A licensed cleaning company means they meet stringent requirements and can provide you with top-quality cleaning services. Bonded homekeepers can guarantee they’ll complete cleaning services, or else they can hire another cleaning company to do so. Clean Bees has all three of these certifications because we are committed to the security and safety of our cleaners and clients alike.



It’s important to choose a housekeeper that’s positively reputable. You want to be able to verify that they’re as good as they say they are, and that you can truly trust them for excellent cleaning services. It’s one thing for a business to say they’re good, but it’s another to have real customers confirm that. Clean Bees Homekeepers has been positively reviewed by clients and major, credible sources to allow future clients the opportunity to vet us before signing up for our services.

Clean Bees has a team of talented Homekeepers that possess all of these desirable traits and then some. If you’re ready to say goodbye to cleaning toilets and weekends full of house chores, contact Clean Bees Homekeepers now!